I got the scoop on hoops!
Certifiable bankroll advisor
Fifteen years experience helping clients manage their bankrolls for maximum ROI.
Administrative Wonderwoman
My pot just called me black. But I ain't no kettle. Shit, that's some good pot, tho!.
And I think it's gonna be a long, long time
Til you lose. Because I win so much!
I'm 1-0
Would you really trust a futbol capper with a higher score?!
I'm everybody's mom
How 'bout them apples? No, really, have an apple. Finish your apple and you can have a cookie.
Wrapped up like a douche!
Baseball is life. The rest is just details.
Beast mode!
I've always loved football, especially the running game. I keep tabs on the backs so well that my friends say I'm a real backstabber.